CentOS / RHEL 7 : Files Editors and Operation

 1.  Gedit Editor Command


"To Create, Modify, Append File And Only For  Gui" 

#gedit f1,  f1 is file name

  2.  Namo Editor Command

#namo  [for both gui and cli]

  3.  Vim Editor Command

#vim [for both gui and cli]

To Edit With Vim Editor

Vim <filename>

I for insert

Shift+v to select the line in escape mode

Press esc yy copy

p  = paste

dd delete

u  undo

ctrl+r    redo

:q quit without save

:q! quit forcefully

:wq save and exit

:wq!  save and exit

:x  save and exit

 4.  Tee Command

#tee   #tee /tmp/file1.txt

  5.  Touch Command

#touch  [to change the time stamp of file]

   6.  Cat Command

#cat   [for both cli and gui it is used to see the contents of file]

To View File Content:::

 #cat /tmp/f1.txt

To Add New Line In A File:::

 #cat >> /tmp/f1.txt

To Redirect Output And Error Msg In Another File:::

/etc –name ‘host’ > /tmp/output >tmp/error

    7.  Man Command


    8.  To Copy File::::

#cp /tmp/file1 /root/Desktop

    9.  To Move The File::

#mv /tmp/file1 /var/abc

10.   To Delete The File

#rm /tmp/file1

 11. To Make a New Directory

#mkdir india

12. To Remove Or Delete Directory

#rmdir india

13. To Create A New File

#touch  f1

14. To Remove And Delete File

#rm f1

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